I said to the the sun“Tell me about the big bang”The sun said“it hurts to become”-Andrea Gibson, “I Sing The Body Electric; Especially When My Power Is Out” Hello there! Welcome, one and all, to ~Sara’s Introduction Blog of Dreams~ (patent pending)! It feels a bit strange to introduce myself only a few months before […]
Homepage Featured
Spiritual Practice – Meditation for Compassion
In these isolated times JSC is offering the opportunity to join with others for brief spiritual practice once a month. Last month, former JSC director Susan Gladin and servant leadership teacher Nancy Spencer introduced us to a meditation for compassion. If you weren’t able to join us, you can find the meditation and some suggested […]
Our Partners at Code the Dream
Code the Dream began in 2015 as a pilot project trying to create more economic opportunity for immigrants and dreamers (DACA recipients). Since then Code the Dream has grown exponentially, especially in the last year, as they continue to serve and help anyone under represented in the tech world, or anyone who has faced a […]
Meet Lydia
When I accepted JSC’s offer to join their 2020-21 cohort only two days after First Offer Friday, I did so with a deeply rooted certainty that this was the place meant for me. The sense of rightness, of fitting, was resolute, even as some anxieties began to sprout like weeds in my mind, particularly about […]
Alumni Spotlight – Emily Zinsitz
My name is Emily Zinsitz and I was a JSC corps member in the 2018-2019 cohort. I came to JSC after quitting the corporate world, looking for an intentional community in which to explore non-profit work and my possible call to ministry. I found what I was looking for and so much more in Durham, […]
Spiritual Practice – The Examen
Those of you who have taken our Servant Leadership course know that so much of its wisdom centers around practice; around spiritual practices that are designed to help us move from our ego driven personalities to a deeper, larger self – our essence that is connected with the source of all that is. Whether we […]
Reflections on Servant Leadership – Kindred Motes
While corps members spend their days Monday through Thursday volunteering at one of our partner organizations, on Fridays we gather (virtually for now) for faith formation. In the fall we use this time for a course in servant leadership. For us, servant leadership means finding a balance between life’s inward journey and outward journey. The […]
Alumni Spotlight – Abigail Mazingo
Hello! My name is Abigail Lee Mazingo, and I am an alum from the 2007-2008 class of the Johnson Intern Program, referred to as “the JIP”. It is very interesting and fun to write this alumni spotlight, reminiscing about my year in the program, the memories and friendships made, and the life lessons learned. It […]
Our Partners at the Center for Responsible Lending
The Center for Responsible Lending is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization which works to eliminate abusive financial practices through policy and research. CRL focuses on those marginalized and/or underserved by current financial practices and markets, including rural folks, women, people of color, and low-wealth folks. CRL also works to make finance more equitable by demystifying the […]
Meet Emlyn
Well well well, so you’ve decided to drop by my little blog post. Goody goody! Take a seat, put up your feet, rest your human meat. I’m Emlyn, as you know, but I think introductions are nice even if they’re repetitive. Plus my name is fun and quirky so I like to say it as […]