While we are rooted in the contemplative and social justice practices of the Christian tradition, JSC welcomes people of all spiritual traditions, and a variety of spiritual practices are introduced over the course of the year. There’s an expectation of welcome and acceptance for all as we engage in discerning how we may each be called to express our faith in how we live and work.
Within the household, fellows rotate leadership of the daily morning spiritual practice. Popular practices have included book studies, music, and a wide variety of prayers. Fellows also commit to weekly participation in a local spiritual community of their choice while they are here. The Durham-Chapel Hill area offers a wide mix of churches, other houses of worship, and spiritual practice centers. Prior fellows have become involved with yoga studios, Buddhist temples, a local farm church, and a synagogue, along with more mainline Christian congregations.
Duke Gardens
You will also have a mentor from the community who may serve as a spiritual advisor if that’s what you agree to, and personal spiritual directors are available on request. There are opportunities for spiritual reflection, prayer, and worship for the entire cohort throughout the year, including several retreats. We’ve found that everyone’s spirituality deepens through learning how others express their faith and through respecting their faith expression. While based in the contemplative and justice practices of Christianity, we welcome people of all spiritual expressions who seek to discern their call and live out that call authentically.
Fridays are when the entire cohort comes together for leadership training classes, field trips, guest speakers, and reflection time.
Duke University Chapel