Callie spent the year before Divinity School living and working in the South of Spain in Jerez de la Frontera. Here she was visiting Portugal with her family. It was a really incredible year! I was a corps member in the Durham house of JSC from 2021-2022. My placement site was the Pauli Murray Center […]
JSC Alum Reflection: Emma Sternlof
It’s hard to believe I began my JSC journey in August 2013, more than eleven years ago! JSC brought me to beautiful North Carolina, where I met my beloved husband and continue to make a home. The program gave me the skills and nonprofit experience I needed to enter the reproductive rights and justice sector, where I’m still […]
JSC Board Member Reflection: Carol Marshall
Carol Marshall Member of The Chapel of the Cross Only a few meetings into joining the JSC Board, I was introduced to two fellows who were presenting their End-of-Year project. Only being witness to the collective group of projects at the End-of-Year Party, I eagerly awaited seeing how these projects began. With confidence in their project and […]
The Prophetic Witness of JSC
JSC Board of Directors ReflectionThe Rev. Robert Fruehwirth, rector of St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, Hillsborough, NC When someone cares for the marginalized, those deemed of no worth, the Christian sees in them the presence of Christ. As St. James wrote, “Pure religion is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress.” When diverse people […]
JSC Reflection: Jean Martinez
Fresh off a four-year bender meant to enlighten me to be a better grown-up and to activate me for a career that I studied “hard” for, I left Shippensburg empty and ignored that after this summer of working at camp in Maryland, I would have exactly zero ideas on what to do next. This will […]
Supporter Spotlight – Janice McAdams
Over the past few months we’ve shared the stories of some of Johnson Service Corps’ biggest supporters. This month the spotlight is on Janice McAdams, Executive Director of SECU Family House, who supervises the JSC corps member serving there this year. This is the first year for SECU Family House at UNC Hospitals to be […]
Supporter Spotlight – Laurie Alexander
Johnson Service Corps wouldn’t exist without a compassionate, generous community of people who support the program in a variety of ways. One of those incredible individuals is Laurie Alexander, a former member of the Board of Directors for the Johnson Service Corps. Read the blog to learn why Laurie continues to support our program. My […]
Supporter Spotlight – Ginny Runge
In 2014, as a member of The Chapel of the Cross, I heard about, and signed up for, a Servant Leadership course offered by what was then the Johnson Intern Program. Alongside the interns, I participated in very engaging and enlightening discussions about centering prayer, social justice, the true and false self, and the meaning […]
Supporter Spotlight – Watty Bowes
Watson “Watty” Bowes, Jr has supported Johnson Service Corps since its inception in 2000. This month on the blog he shares how he first got involved in the program and why it means so much to him to continue supporting us to this day. The Johnson Service Corps began as the Johnson Intern Program, which […]
Mentor Spotlight – Debbie Wuliger
My name is Debbie Wuliger, and I have happily been a mentor with the JSC for three years. It all began at a Christmas function hosted by one of the board members, Day Pritchartt, in her home. This is where I got a chance to meet some of the mentors and the young adults in […]