Callie spent the year before Divinity School living and working in the South of Spain in Jerez de la Frontera. Here she was visiting Portugal with her family. It was a really incredible year!
I was a corps member in the Durham house of JSC from 2021-2022. My placement site was the Pauli Murray Center for History and Social Justice and the year following my service year I continued to live in Durham and work for the PMC and Resource Center for Women and Ministry of the South. My time in JSC was spiritual, life-giving, and transformative. During that time, I learned a lot about myself and my faith life. I remember taking a hike with a fellow corps member and considering being a chaplain for the first time. Now, I am attending Yale Divinity School, pursuing a masters of Divinity, and planning to become a chaplain. I often ponder how the seeds of the work I am doing now were planted by the experiences and relationships of my JSC year. I am still discerning my call, but grateful for the space and inspiration that my time with JSC gave me. Durham will always feel like a home to me and I hope to come back to visit soon!
Callie Swaim-Fox was a JSC corps member from 2021-2022