As I’m moving further into this year, I realize just how much I am learning about the people in my house, and how much more comfortable it is becoming. I am understanding my housemate’s moods better, noticing how they are feeling, and I in return am feeling more relaxed and comfortable around them. I feel like in this way we are creating a space together, that is comfortable and nice for all of us, and we can voice our concerns when they arise. I think that this speaks directly to co-creation, and it is a nice thing to feel. Going away for winter break, I think it is nice to feel an attachment to the JSC house as home. I am looking forward to returning home to see my family over winter break, but I also think that I will look forward to returning to Chapel Hill, and for that I am grateful.

–Jon Rigby is serving at RAFI (Rural Advancement Founation International) this year and lives in the Chapel Hill intentional community house.