Welcome to our new website and to the beginning of a new recruitment season. It is an exciting time at Johnson Service Corps!
We hope you’ll take a tour around the new site and let us know what you think. We will soon begin periodic blogs about our Corps Members, our Partner Organizations, and other topics we hope will be of interest to the JSC community. We also plan to be reengaged on social media, so keep an eye out for that as well. And if you don’t receive our electronic newsletter but would like to, please email admin@johnsonservicecorps.org to be included.
If you are here because you are interested in us or in the Episcopal Service Corps in general, we are delighted. You will find lots of information on our APPLY page, but we also hope you’ll look around the website and learn a bit more about what makes JSC a special place to be.
We look forward to hearing from you.