I hear a voice of truth above the clamor of the dominant culture, a voice that asks me to question my culture’s assumptions and beliefs. As a servant leader, I align my life with this truth and engage with others to be co-creative instruments of justice and peace.
The mid-year retreat was revitalizing for me. I was able to brainstorm solutions for my difficult work situation with a co-worker. I was able to reflect on my relationship with my father. And I was able to figure out how to make my time at StepUp (the local nonprofit where Debbie works) much more reflective of my personality and hone the skills that I’ve wanted to work on since the beginning. I couldn’t have addressed these opportunities for growth without the JSC staff as well as the StepUp staff. It was a group effort—an opportunity for co-creation.
I regained a sense of purpose, became much more motivated, and it’s already working. Since the retreat, I’ve kept myself busy at work and I’m finding the work I do rewarding and fulfilling again. The StepUp staff is coming up with more video projects for me. Listening to one particular graduate inspired me to create a full-length documentary on the impact of mass incarceration, the barriers to employment, and the rampant racism against black men. I’m becoming much more involved with my community and it’s exciting me. I enjoy going to community events to learn more and more of what I can do to help others using my unique skill set. It took me a while to realize my potential and I’m inspired to become the servant leader that I was always supposed to be.