I had a really scary, yet amazing moment of clarity after attending the Dismantling Racism training this month. One of my areas of discernment has been to understand more how my call would look in a daily manner. It’s one thing to be called, but another level of service to turn it into a career and lifestyle.
Well, I knew I wanted to be a Chaplain for sure, to help heal people in their time of need and pain, but I also knew I wanted to help advocate and contribute towards social justice issues. During the caucus aspect of the workshop, one of the facilitators started to speak about how healing is an important aspect of dismantling racism because it allows the rebuilding process to occur. It was like everything made sense to me.
At that moment I saw myself working as a chaplain in a community environment, and also facilitating conversions around racism in my spare time. It was a moment of clarity when I realized how God placed a vision in my heart and mind where I could use my talents, passions, and purpose to co-create safe-spaces of healing for everyone. It was just a life-striking moment where it made total sense how when we are open to what God can show in us and how he can use us, we end up co-creating beautiful things that our communities can grow and benefit from.
—Ashley Reid is serving at Freedom House Recovery Center this year.