During our last Servant Leadership class we did a kind of review of all the things that we learned and still something that resonated with me was when we spoke about worldviews. We are raised to think about the world one way and this perception helps to shape us into the people we are today. It takes us through a journey of discovering ourselves. Sometimes our worldview can leave us a bit discouraged about the things we can do with our lives and in the lives of others. We begin constructing this worldview at a young age. It’s what we know and what we believe as we move through life. What blew my mind the most was the idea of questioning that worldview that we already had and continuously questioning it to a point where we can see the world through a lens of hope and love. The concept is so simple but one that had never even crossed my mind.
Often I’ve heard that we are capable of changing the world even if it’s just one person’s life, or a room full of rambunctious elementary school children or as big as a whole community. We are capable of this change because God created us with purpose and drive to do this. It’s up to us to actively seek and unlock the drive within us to live up to the potential that God has placed within us. We are all actors and co-creators working tirelessly to build up a world that demonstrates the compassion that God shows us everyday. It all starts with shaking up what we might feel is the norm. It all starts with changing our worldview.
–Jean Martinez is working at Dispute Settlement Center this year where he teaches conflict resolution skills to youth and mediates in the juvenile court system. He is a perpetual jokester.
Co-creation is one of the 5 values we focus on during the service year. Here’s the JSC definition:
Co-creation: I hear a voice of truth above the clamor of the dominant culture, a voice that asks me to question my culture’s assumptions and beliefs. As a servant leader, I align my life with this truth and engage with others to be co-creative instruments of justice and peace.