Families Moving Forward helps families in the crisis of homelessness find their way home. They provide temporary housing, case management, skills education, and connection to community resources to help parents and children thrive in stable homes.
SECU Family House
SECU Family House is a safe, nurturing, affordable home for patients and their loved ones who travel great distances to UNC Hospitals for life-saving procedures and serious illnesses. They provide guests lodging, meals, supportive programs, transportation, and a caring support network. They serve families from all 100 North Carolina counties and beyond, helping them rest, […]
Pauli Murray Center for History and Social Justice
The Pauli Murray Center embraces the transformative power of collecting and telling stories and truths as a process that heals these divisions and promotes human rights. The JSC Fellow will facilitate programming, help lead the Faith Task Force, and engage with community members through site visits and walking tours.
Compass Center for Women & Families
Compass Center for Women & Families helps individuals and families prevent and end domestic violence and become self-sufficient.
Center for Responsible Lending
Center for Responsible Lending (CRL) is a non-profit, non-partisan research and policy organization dedicated to protecting homeownership and family wealth. They are an affiliate of SELF-HELP, one of the largest community development financial institutions in the country. CRL focuses on fighting consumer predatory lending practices. It uses research to develop reasonable, practical policy solutions which […]