Jubilee Healing Farm fosters mental health through a land-based approach, dedicated to cultivating an intergenerational movement that nurtures human well-being and flourishing. The JSC Fellow will largely focus on facilitating the POEM program (Peer Outdoor Education for Mental Health). POEM trains black and multiracial college students to become Peer Support Specialists and provides additional outdoor […]
Partner Organizations
PORCH Durham
PORCH-Durham’s mission is to provide supplemental food to Durham children and their families who are facing food insecurity. Since 2011, they have partnered with schools and agencies across Durham County to provide food assistance to families in Durham County. The JSC Fellow will help manage the monthly food collections and distributions, along with some administrative […]
Urban Ministries Durham
Urban Ministries of Durham is the primary point of connection for those who are homeless, hungry, or in need in Durham. They are the primary public homeless shelter in Durham, and welcome neighbors regardless of race, ethnicity, religious beliefs or non-faith, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. The JSC Fellow will support the community-facing programs […]
Episcopal Diocese of NC
The mission strategy of the Diocese of North Carolina is a grassroots, organic plan that invites every member of the Diocese to be a part of it. It is built and focused on the five diocesan mission priorities: Racial Reckoning, Justice & Healing, Congregational Vitality, Collaboration & New Communities, Formation, and Creation Care. The JSC […]
Carol Woods
Carol Woods shall be a charitable, not-for-profit corporation meeting the needs of older adults for housing, health, well-being, and protection of financial security. The mission of Carol Woods shall be to provide a safe, healthful, and secure environment for persons throughout their later years, as well as to engage in cooperative research, development and education […]
Reality Ministries
Our Mission: to create opportunities for adults with and without developmental disabilities to experience belonging, kinship and the life-changing Reality of Christ’s love. Reality Ministries is rooted in the all-inclusive love of Jesus and the belovedness of every person. Our community includes all sorts of difference…ability, race, ethnicity, faith, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, theological […]
Habitat for Humanity, Orange County
Habitat for Humanity partners with families to create better, healthier, more financially stable lives. With our help, Habitat homeowners achieve the strength, stability, and independence they need to build a better future for themselves and their families. Through the use of volunteer labor and donations of money and materials, Habitat builds homes for families in […]
Founded in 1994, SEEDS is a two-acre urban garden and kitchen classroom in the heart of Durham. SEEDS develops the capacity of young people to respect life, the earth, and each other through growing, cooking, and sharing food. Developing the capacity of young people includes responsibility, teamwork, leadership, environmental stewardship, equity, community, problem solving and […]
Urban Community Agrinomics (UCAN)
Urban Community AgriNomics (UCAN) engages the community of Northern Durham and provides a place for those within the community to have access to fresh fruits and vegetables and to develop agricultural skills. UCAN has donated over 30,000lbs of fresh vegetables and fruits, through local harvesting and gleaning events sponsored by the Society of St. Andrews. […]
Book Harvest
Book Harvest provides an abundance of books and ongoing literacy support to families and their children from birth and serves as a model for communities committed to ensuring that children are lifelong readers and learners. Our vision is of a world in which reading, learning, and access to information are considered rights, not privileges, so […]