Co-Creation. I hear God’s voice above the clamor of the dominant culture. God asks me to question its assumptions and beliefs. As a servant leader I align my life with God’s dream and engage with others to be co-creative instruments of justice and peace. The clamor of our dominant culture is constantly pushing us to […]
Self-Compassion is the Compassionate Choice
Before I got to Johnson Service Corps, I had so much compassion and understanding for others, but I never had enough compassion for myself. This month, I learned how important self-love and respect is when are doing work in the world. Compassion for myself has saved myself in a sense. Being the youngest our group […]
Looking Back: Learning a Whole Lot in Just One Month!
Editor’s note: Jahkazia wrote this reflection about her first month serving at Dress for Success, a non-profit that empowers women to become confident and self-sufficient by providing career services and interview attire. Being at Dress for Success so far has been the toughest but most rewarding parts of this year so far. While being at […]
What if God gets a busy tone? Reflections on being open to Call.
This month, I would like to reflect on the idea of “co-creation.” Not because I hear God’s voice, but because I am trying to listen. I joked with my housemates that if God has been trying to guide me to a call, he’s been getting a busy tone for years. There are dozens of reasons […]
From Call to Action
I had a really scary, yet amazing moment of clarity after attending the Dismantling Racism training this month. One of my areas of discernment has been to understand more how my call would look in a daily manner. It’s one thing to be called, but another level of service to turn it into a career […]
Episcopal Service Corps brings young adults together to live and serve in community
Click title to read article at Faith and Leadership: Episcopal Service Corps brings young adults together to live and serve in community
Gratitude for Chapel of the Cross
by Jean Martinez When I began attending the Chapel Of the Cross, I didn’t anticipate become as involved as I am now with the church. The church welcomed me with such warm arms. Although the congregation is big, you get to know so many people at an intimate level. I am so thankful for the […]
Celebrating Narratives & the 5 Cs of Servant Leadership
by Rebecca Ogus Our Praxis Project, Celebrating Narratives, has been marked by passion. When Ginni first shared her frustrations with the stigma that people living with a mental illness face on a daily basis, we could feel the importance of fighting that stigma. But as we began to build relationships with members at Threshold and […]
Center, Re-center
Admittedly I find Communion to be one of the most difficult values. Communion tells me to be in the moment, communion tells me to be anxious in nothing, communion tells me to surrender my plans, communion tells me to clear my mind in order for me to see and feel God’s presence in my life. […]
Rebuilding Trust
My main focus with working with the women at Freedom House Recovery Center is building trust and rapport. Many of the women have had their trust broken, they have broken the trust of those they love and they have often times been the victims and the abusers of trust. Trust is a very hard thing […]